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WWII American servicemen escape from Nazi POW camp after being captured near Anzio, Italy.
Read, in their own words, about their 5-month long journey to freedom.
Click on Book to Read Their Story
The Story of Pasquale J. D'Amato
Notice that Pasquale D'Amato is MIA
Notice that Pasquale D'Amato is found
Photo: Soldiers of the 3d Ranger
Battalion board LCIs that will take
them to Anzio. Two weeks later,
nearly all would be killed or
captured at Cisterna
(U.S. Army Photograph)
Click to see a video of another Anzio WWII veteran.
Tanks of an Armored regiment are
debarking from an LST [US 77] in
Anzio harbor [Italy] and added
strength to the U.S. Fifth Army [VI
Corps] forces on the beachead
(WWII Signal Corps Photograph
Men and equipment move ashore south
of Anzio on D-Day.